Here's your chance to plan your will and invest your legacy in the cause you support the most. We make estate planning accessible, simple, personal, secure, and FREE!

Tip of the Week

Creative generosity at its finest.

Did you know that there is a family of gifts you can make to American Rivers that returns payments back to you?

Here's a technique to stretch your giving ability: give us an asset, and retain (or increase) its income payments that go back to you. We can guide you through every step of these creative gift plans that benefit you and provide support for our mission.

Read more, email us, or contact us at 719-294-9384.

The River Legacy Society

Members of the River Legacy Society have expressed their commitment to American Rivers through a very special and important form of financial support.

Learn More About the River Legacy Society

the River Legacy Society

Contact Us

Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.